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Test your knowledge of heat and sun safety with the worksheets below. Or, have fun coloring while learning about heat safety with the coloring page. These are great for individual and classroom use. Each worksheet includes the answer key on the second page.
Heat and sun safety matching worksheet
This worksheet includes a list of items and text about how each helps to protect you from the heat or sun. The challenge is to draw a line from the item to the matching text.
Plant and animal heat strategy matching worksheet
On this page is a list of plants and animals and text about ways they stay cool in the heat. The challenge is to draw a line from the organism to the matching text.
Download the Plant and animal heat strategy matching worksheet (PDF)
Heat and sun safety item search
This worksheet includes an illustration of three rooms in a home filled with items. Your challenge is to find and write the names of 10 items you see here that can help protect you from the heat or the sun.
Beat the heat worksheet
This worksheet shows a character with eight items that can help protect them from the heat or sun. The challenge is to name the items shown.
Beat the heat coloring page
A coloring page of a character with items that can help protect them from the heat or sun.
Heat and sun safety packet
This packet includes all of the worksheets and the coloring page listed above, including the answer keys.