Plosable Articles

Scientists are learning new things every day. They are also writing about their discoveries. In most cases they publish in science magazines called journals like the Public Library of Science (PLOS). In our PLOSable section you will find stories that will help you read and explore the articles written by scientists.

Now jump in and start exploring PLOSable - a place where firsthand science is only a mouse click away. If you're interested in diving even further into the world of the scientific article, check out our Anatomy of an Article story. We also have stories exploring articles in evolutionary medicine in our EvMed Edits section.

Written by: 
Nicholas Baker

This could bee - yes, bee - a key to our sweet tooth and possibly a way to learn more about diabetes.

Glowing fungus
Written by: 
Alison Willis
Some organisms, like this fungus, are able to glow, as if they were from an alien planet. But until recently, plants couldn't glow. Learn how scientists have found a way to make plants glow here on Earth.
Written by: 
Daniel Maas

Have you wondered if it was possible to be a cyborg? Half man and half machine? Scientists are conducting experiments to see how brains control robotic limbs.

Written by: 
Melissa Brisbin

Even a toddler can recognize his mother's voice on the phone, but what parts of the brain help match voices and faces in your brain?

Coral reefs
Written by: 
Ben Petersen
What happens when the ocean gets really hot, really fast? Every few years, the El Niño pattern heats up the ocean quickly. Now global warming is also having an impact on coral reefs.
Written by: 
Heather Geissel

Cancer is a disease that affects a lot of  people. But there are still many things that scientists don’t understand about it. The goal of this experiment was to see how stem cells are involved with the growth and spread of cancer cells. 

Written by: 
Chanapa Tantibanchachai

West Nile virus is spread by mosquitoes and becomes more common in humans during the summer months. Is there a connection between the feeding habits of mosquitoes and the spread of the virus to humans?

Written by: 
Kathryn Michelle Benavidez Westrich
We usually worry about getting sick from other people or from spoiled food. But did you know that some animals, like rats and mongooses, can make you sick too?
Written by: 
Juliana Goenaga

Do you notice when your brother or sister take stuff from your room? Even if they put it back, you can still see those small differences. Scientists are studying what part of your brain is responsible for seeing those kind of changes.

Written by: 
Samantha Hauserman

Have you ever wondered what makes one animal different from another?  Scientists conducted an experiment and found that food is one of the reasons chimpanzees and humans are so different.


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