Swallow Like

Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica
Barn Swallow thumbnail
Length: 7 in. (17 cm )
These masters of aerial flight are usually seen agilely swooping overhead in small flocks as they chase flying insects over open fields and savannas. They are so expert in flight, they take baths and drink without landing. Barn Swallows often nest in small groups in or on buildings and bridges where they stick their open mud and straw nest on shaded ledges, eaves or crevices. Their nests are regularly taken over by phoebes and House Sparrows. In the Fall, Barn Swallows will supplement dwindling supplies of insects with berries and small fruits. Some Barn Swallows winter as far south as southern Argentina.

The four-digit banding code is BARS.




Marsh / swamp

Open water

Bird Sound Type: Chirping
Sex of Bird: Male
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