
Bewick's Wren

Thryomanes bewickii
Bewick's Wren thumbnail
Length: 5 in. (13 cm )
With the long tail cocked up over it back, this noisy wren is obvious in bushy undergrowth and shrubby areas. It makes its nest in a low tree hole or other cavity and occasionally in the dark recesses of old buildings. It feeds almost exclusively on insects and spiders that it takes from leaves and vegetation. The song of the male varies tremendously across its range. East of the Mississippi River its populations are declining noticeably.

The four-digit banding code is BEWR.



Mesquite bosque

Oak-pine woodland

Riparian / River forest


Bird Sound Type: Trilling
Sex of Bird: Male
Sonogram Large:
Sonogram Zoom:
Bird Sound Type: Trilling
Sex of Bird: Male
Sonogram Large:
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