
Black-headed Grosbeak

Pheucticus melanocephalus
Black-headed Grosbeak thumbnail
Length: 8 in. (21 cm )
This species nests commonly in riparian forests and low to mid-elevation pine-oak woodlands. Its relatively large nest is made of twigs and rootlets, and usually is placed high off the ground. The Black-headed Grosbeak uses its massive bill to open seeds and nuts, but it also feeds on insects during the summer.

The four-digit banding code is BHGR.

Male | Herbert Clarke


Fir forest

Mesquite bosque

Oak-pine woodland

Riparian / River forest



Urban city
Bird Sound Type: Chirping
Sex of Bird: Male
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Bird Sound Type: Chirping
Sex of Bird: Male
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Bird Sound Type: Chirping
Sex of Bird: Male
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