
Crissal Thrasher

Toxostoma crissale
Crissal Thrasher thumbnail
Length: 12 in. (29 cm )
Normally sneaky and retiring, this large thrasher occurs in chaparral, desert scrub and desert riparian areas. Here it is most obvious when it sits on a high bush or tree and sings. It is also likely to be noticed when it uses its huge bill to toss leaves and vegetation out of its way on the ground. It eats insects, berries and small invertebrates. The nest is a shallow cup made of shredded bark and grass and placed low in a dense bush.

The four-digit banding code is CRTH.



Mesquite bosque

Riparian / River forest
Bird Sound Type: Buzzing
Sex of Bird: Male
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Bird Sound Type: Buzzing
Sex of Bird: Male
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