
Steller's Jay

Aphelocoma stelleri
Steller's Jay thumbnail
Length: 12 in. (29 cm )
This bold and conspicuous jay occurs in mature coniferous forests and descends to mixed pine-oak woodlands only in harsh winters. Its catholic diet includes insects, bird eggs, and nestlings as well as seeds, pine cones and fruits. Often shy during the nesting season, the Steller\'s Jay can become quickly accustomed to humans and the free food source they provide, especially at picnic tables. The nest is placed high in a conifer on a horizontal branch, and it is a bulky affair made of twigs, leaves and mud.

The four-digit banding code is STJA.

Male | Oliver Niehuis

Fir forest

Oak-pine woodland
Bird Sound Type: Screeching
Sex of Bird: Male
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Bird Sound Type: Screeching
Sex of Bird: Male
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There are no sonograms saved for this bird.
Bird Sound Type: Screeching
Sex of Bird: Male
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Bird Sound Type: Screeching
Sex of Bird: Male
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