These biology experiments are designed for you to do at home or school using simple equipment. For some experiments, you may need a calculator. Here is a link to an excellent one provided by Web2.0calc.

To access experiments, click on one of the experiments listed below. In most cases, it is simplest to copy the experiment into a word processing program, and then print it out.

Heavy water
Written by: 
Lynne Kelper

This activity explores how the temperature of water affects its density. You will need to gather the following materials: a pencil; a small paper cup; a small-mouthed, clear-glass jar (the cup should be able to sit inside the opening of the jar); three ice cubes; and food coloring.

Written by: 
Amanda Sibley

These daredevil birds can be perfect subjects for a backyard experiment.

Written by: 
Colleen Miks

During this activity you will learn how to create your own food web. You will also analyze the feeding relationships between marine organisms and describe the importance of plankton to the ecosystem.

Germs in the Classroom
Written by: 
Satina Sund, Vanessa Vierkoetter, Esmeralda Manzano and Julie Dunlap

Germs are tiny organisms that can make you feel sick and cause disease. During this activity you will illustrate the steps germs take during transmission. You will learn about the different types of bacteria, how they are spread, and discuss ways to keep from getting sick.

Leaf-cutter Ant
Written by: 
Angelina Alameda

Learn what makes leafcutter ants unique and understand how the different castes of ant work together to provide for the colony.

Mosquito life cycle - image is of a mosquito laying eggs on water
Written by: 
Karla Moeller, David Roman and Silvie Huijben
Learn about mosquito life cycles, the dangers of mosquitoes, and how to protect yourself and reduce breeding grounds for mosquitoes around your home.
Manduca Caterpillar Growth Experiment
Written by: 
Dr. Biology

Dr. Biology has teamed up with with the scientists in the laboratory of Jon Harrison and started an experiment to see how different temperatures can change how an animal grows. The Virtual Manduca Growth Experiment lets you see and graph the results. It also has some cool animations.

Illustration of girl with backpack in a lab coat hiking.
Written by: 
Dr. Biology

Science is full of mysteries and unknowns waiting for you to discover. Beyond their usual research, there have been some unusual things happening in Dr. Biology's laboratory and they need your help. It is up to you to uncover what is happening.

Matter of scale thumbnail
Written by: 
CJ Kazilek

You may not think about it, but size does matter. It is especially true when talking about the very tiny things that exist in the nano world.

The Earth's seasons
Written by: 
Abel Torres and Daniel S. Brehony

Have you ever thought about your favorite season, and why it looks and feels the way it does? This activity will help you see and understand why Earth has seasons, and the two things that work together to make seasonal changes happen.


Pando, the largest stand of aspen trees
What is the oldest living thing on Earth?

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Ask A Biologist

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