Six-legged recipes

Yummy Hummers

This recipe is sure to attract a crowd and please everyone!  Demonstrate how to cook this dish in an electric skillet.  You can taste the distinct "flowery bee" flavor even through the intense onion and garlic flavor. 

1 cup frozen bees (rinse in water in a colander)

1 large onion, diced

2 cloves garlic, diced

1/2 cup margarine

bits of ginger

small crackers like Wheat Thins

In frying pan, melt margarine.  Reduce heat and sauté onions, garlic, and ginger in margarine until onions are clear.  Add bees and sauté an additional 10-15 minutes.  Serve a spoonful on a cracker - Yummy!

Where to get your bees -

You can obtain bees from a local bee-keeper where you can learn about bee-keeping and bee biology.  Bring a large mason jar for the bees and a cooler with ice.  The bee keeper will show you how to harvest the bees.  Place the bees in the mason jar in the cooler.  When you get home, immediately place the bees in the freezer.

From the Recipe Box of Mary Liz Jameson

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Close up of a lady bug
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